About the ceo & founder of bloom

Callie Milbrandt is the CEO and Founder of BLOOM by Callie, a wellness company based in Austin, Texas that was formerly called Event Vines and was established in 2016. She is an event producer, a yoga and meditation instructor, and a real estate agent.

Callie has 11+ years of teaching experience and is an active participant in the Austin yoga and event professional community. She is a 500+ hour certified yoga instructor, a 200+ hour certified meditation instructor, and a gong practitioner. Her other modalities include breathwork, soundbaths, and fitness hula hooping. Callie has a lighthearted and approachable teaching style, offering detailed cues for modifications and deepening your practice. Her goal as a teacher is to inspire you to honor exactly where you are in your life while encouraging you to find the opportunity for growth and to have fun!

Callie also leverages her attention to detail and experience gained from producing events for Fortune 500 companies for the past 7+ years. BLOOM by Callie creates uplifting classes, events, and experiences that promote well-being for groups, individuals, and organizations.

Learn more about Callie, her background, and specialties at CallieMilbrandt.com

Stay updated on BLOOM event happenings by following @BloombyCallie


to help people cultivate well-being through movement, mindfulness, community, and creativity.

more about callie’s experience

  • 500+ hour

    certified yoga instructor

  • 11 years

    of teaching experience

  • 12 YEARS

    of event industry experience

  • 200+ hour

    certified meditation instructor

  • gong

    certified practitioner

  • 2016

    business established in

bloom by callie manifesto


We believe in self-care as a pillar of a fulfilling life, through individual practices and immersing in high-vibe community.


We believe in grounded, practical rituals that keep us rooted and energized in ourselves, as we navigate both the calm seas and unexpected storms of life.


We believe in creating an inspiring and nurturing home environment that is attuned to our own (and our family’s) needs and desires while allowing our embodied peace to follow us wherever we go.


We believe in the power of community, that all relationships are spaces for growth, self-awareness and connection. A community can thrive to the degree that each member practices their own self-care.


We believe that change is the only constant of life, that the physical, mental, and spiritual transitions will re-shape us into new versions of ourselves many times.


We believe that all of life is interconnected. The actions (and non-action) of the individual affect the wellness of the whole. The deeper and more consistent our connection to ourselves, the stronger our capacity to flourish.